Microsoft Solutions Partner Implementation and Consultation Services- Alpyne 365

Microsoft 365 Rebrand Discussion with Copilot

The tech world is collectively raising an eyebrow to Microsoft’s branding “strategy” — again. This time, they’ve opted to retire the Microsoft 365 logo and name for a similar, and likely more confusing, name and logo. Microsoft 365 is now “Microsoft 365 Copilot” and the logo is now the Copilot logo but with a black … Read more

Fight to Align

A cohesive team that can align to and forge ahead to achieve a shared vision is a remarkable thing. They’re able to seamlessly operate to turn an abstract vision and make it a reality. There’s something extraordinary about organizations that achieve this level of alignment. Every individual contributing to something greater than what could have … Read more

We are Three

At our core, we are three people inside the mind of one being. Depending on your personality, of those three, one is usually the strongest and loudest of the three. That one might even be a bully, forcing the other two to be quiet because it doesn’t understand them and makes them nervous. You may … Read more